Organizing Committee

General Chair

Prof. João Crisóstomo Weyl Albuquerque Costa (UFPA)

Prof. Ugo Silva Dias (UnB)

Financial Chair

Prof. Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo (UFPA)

Technical Chair

Prof. Antonio Jorge Gomes Abelém (UFPA)

Prof. Diego Lisboa Cardoso (UFPA)

Prof. Magno Teófilo Madeira da Silva (USP)

Short Courses and Poster Sessions Chair

Prof. Leonardo Lira Ramalho (UFPA)

Victor Rodrigues (UFPA)

Information Technologies Chair

Prof. Fabricio Rossy de Lima Lobato (UFPA)

Waldeir de Brito Monteiro (UFPA)

Marketing Chair


Registration Chair


Operational and Infrastructure Chair

Prof. Gilvan Soares Borges (IFPA)

Institutional Relationship Chair


Technical Program Committee

